Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Paradigm As A Research Paradigm - 1423 Words
Since the twentieth century, there has been a debate about which research paradigm is the most optimal and enables valid and rigorous way to collect data and study social phenomena (Kervin, 2015). A paradigm is defined as the mind-set of a researcher relating to their beliefs around acceptable ways to research, including the questions, the methodology and ways of interpretation (Kervin, 2015). One paradigm, positivism, aims to conduct research in a scientific manner, valuing statistics, replicability and wide generalisations and utilises quantitative methodology to answer questions relating to quantity e.g. ‘how many?’ (Szyjka, 2012; Wahyuni, 2012; Taylor Medina, 2013). Researchers utilising this paradigm believe in an ‘objective†¦show more content†¦Thus, a case study design would be appropriate for this study as it seeks understand how ‘huff n’ puff’ may influence wellbeing and evaluate the strategy for its effectiveness in promoting wellbeing in these children. Additionally, due to the depth of study, case studies are more appropriate for smaller sample sizes and suits the intention to focus on one class’s experience with ‘huff n’ puff’ (Bryman, 2016). Furthermore, as the study is exploratory in nature and seeks to understand a topic where there is a paucity of research, a case study enables a deep understanding of the issue on a small scale (Given, 2008). I could use the results to develop and design a future research study adopting different methodologies to improve my practice and understanding in this area (Kervin, 2015; Babbie, 2016). To gather students’ experiences and understandings in-depth and understand how ‘huff n’ puff’ may influence wellbeing, a semi-structured interview data collection technique will be used in this project. Semi-structured interviews consist of prearranged open-ended questions but with scope for flexibility to explore topics that the participants may mention that are of interest to the researcher (Given, 2008; Kervin, 2015). Semi-structured interviews may be a favourable method to help answer the research question. This method enables a deep understanding ofShow MoreRelatedResearch Paradigm14392 Words  | 58 PagesQualitative, and Mixed Research LEARNING OBJECTIVES To be able to Describe the characteristics of quantitative research. List and explain the different types of variables used in quantitative research. Explain the difference between experimental and nonexperimental quantitative research. Explain the concept of a correlation coefficient. Describe the characteristics of qualitative research. 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