Friday, December 6, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird Compared with Jasper Jones free essay sample
Two texts, in which the theme is presented in an admirable way , are ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee, and ‘Jasper Jones’ by Craig Silvey. Through the use of the protagonists the theme is presented in a way that allows the reader to realize the harsh reality of the subject matter, yet it is still demonstrated in a approachable and relatable way, further enhanced by the first-person narration of the books. These two characters, as well as some of the lesser characters in the books, and the literary devices used throughout the works, allow light to be shed on the theme of prejudice. During 1930s America, and 1960s Australia, racial prejudice was at its highest point, with African- Americans, and Aborigines, treated as a second class, and forbidden to have the privileges that white people had. Both texts deal with a specific sequence of events in which readers can infer the prejudicial aspect of life in that era. Not only do the books deal with different nationalities and different time periods, but it can be argued that Craig Silvey’s novel is simply a product of Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and this will also be looked at throughout this essay. Contextual Information Racism in America was profound during the early part of the 20th century and the most often used racism came in the form of hatred towards the African-Americans. The migration of African Americans happened during 1910-1930 and sparked the black-white segregation in America. (Berlin, â€Å"The African Immigration to Colonial America). The African-Americans were treated as property, as second class citizens and this did not come to a halt until the Institution of Slavery was abolished. Even today this segregation can be seen in some areas, as in some etropolitan neighbourhoods the blacks and whites live differently, and experience a different quality of life. ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee is an iconic tale that tells the story of this prejudice, and other forms of prejudice in small town America. It is set in 1930’s Alabama and follows the story of two children, Scout and Jem, as they aim to get the neighbourhood â€Å"spook†, Boo Radley out of his home. Meanwhile, their father, Atticus is meanwhile defending a black man, Tom Robinson, who was wrongly accused by two white people, in the court of law. Atticus’ main rival, Bob Ewell, attacks Jem and Scout and who is to come to their rescue but Boo Radley himself, teaching Scout, our narrator, that everyone has the right and ability to be a good or bad person, and race, or social hierarchy has nothing to do with it. Australia also dealt with racism and prejudice towards a different race the Aboriginals. Ignorance and misunderstanding of the aboriginal culture lead to the mistreatment of them, and even today this racism can be found with those who do not believe that Aboriginals are people, but are instead flora and fauna which was politically correct until 1967. Wangka Maya) ‘Jasper Jones’ by Craig Silvey is set in Western Australia during 1965, and follows the story of young Charlie Bucktin after he is let in on a secret one night. The towns mixed-race ‘bad boy’, Jasper Jones, has found the body of his good friend Laura Wishart. Jasper knows he will get blamed for the murder if he says anything, an d convinces Charlie to help him hide the body until they uncover the truth. Whilst doing so they face racism and hypocrisy and Charlie learns that not everybody is what their stereotype makes them out to be. Prejudice in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ There is a multitude of ways in which prejudice is shown in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’. Not only through the use of Tom Robinson as a character and his unjust trial, but also through the use of the Finches coloured housekeeper, Cal, and the prejudice against Boo Radley because of his past crimes. Tom Robinson has done nothing wrong yet is still accused and even Atticus Finch, Tom’s lawyer, knows nothing can be done to defend a black man against two dishonest whites. The children’s naivety plays an important role in presenting the theme of prejudice in the book, especially the narration and how Scout, Jem, and Dill did not truly understand what was happening at the time, which creates an almost dramatic irony in the fact that the reader is able to comprehend more than the characters created by Lee. At the end of the novel much light is shed on the fact that one should not ‘judge a book by its cover’ and that no matter what race, or social standing a person has there is room for the opportunity to be good or bad. This can be seen through Atticus’ Finch stating that the family could not stand one day without their black housekeeper, despite the juxtaposing character of his sister’s best efforts to get rid of her. It can also be seen through the Ewell family. They are a white family that have money and a social standing in the town. Bob Ewell is an evil man who drinks away the family’s money. His character is foreshadowed by his son, Burris, and the abhorrent characteristics he displays towards the teacher and other students at school. However, the seriousness of the society’s underlying prejudice is again shown when the untrustworthy Ewell family are not questioned when they accuse Tom Robinson because of the colour of his skin. â€Å"There’s something in our world that makes men lose their heads- they couldn’t be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s word, the white always wins. They’re ugly, but these are the facts of life†(Lee, 224). This quotation by Atticus Finch shows the harshness of the racist reality that was 1930’s America. By having an educated character, such as the lawyer Atticus Finch, stating these facts, the reader can conclude that nothing can be done about these facts, and it simply was the way of life during the time period in which the book is set. You aren’t really a niggerlover, then, are you? (107), this second quotation again shows the seriousness of the racist prejudice against African-Americans at the time. The names white people would label them with, and the fact that showing any compassion for them comes with negative connotations reinforces the idea that African-Americans were in fact, inferior to the white race. The cacophonous diction used by Lee in this quotation also allows the reader to realize the harsh reality of simply being associated with black people during the 1930s. 3 The symbolism of the mockingbird in the novel also shows the prejudice towards the AfricanAmericans, and especially Tom Robinson. When it is said that â€Å"Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird†(96) , Harper Lee uses the mockingbird to represent Tom Robinson, doing nothing wrong but ending up paying for it. This symbol, although not completely obvious in the novel, is still a vital part to understanding the title of the book and Tom Robinson as a character. Not only is the symbolism of the mockingbird cemented in the novel through this quotation, but songbirds are present as a motif throughout the book as a representation of innocent people being treated badly. Such motifs can be seen in the quotation â€Å"the senseless slaughter of songbirds†(109), this quotation not only emphasizes the killing of mockingbirds as a negative commodity, but the sibilance used by Lee depicts the singing of the songbirds, creating auditory imagery for the reader. Boo Radley is also a character that is seen in a way that he does not deserve. The children describe Boo Radley as â€Å"malevolent phantom†(14) and talked about the fact that they had never seen him, but had only heard terrible rumours about him. Through the actions of Boo Radley, such as wanting to be friends with the children, leaving them gifts in the knothole, covering Scout up with a blanket so she would not get cold, and eventually protecting them against Bob Ewell, we can infer that the children learn a lesson that they should never believe what others say about people. Just because Boo is seen as a ‘freak’ in the town, and children usually run past his house, it does not mean that he is not a good person. Boo Radley is also a symbol of the children growing up, and their innocence being destroyed by finally acknowledging that both good and evil that can be present in people, regardless of their race and hierarchical standpoint. By maturing and accepting Mr. Radley as a real person, even as their friend, rather than the towns ‘ghost’ the children are realizing that there really is â€Å"just one kind of folks. Folks. †(259), meaning that all people are equal. There is a certain juxtaposition placed on the characters that are Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson, because although they are of a different race, they are both nnocent and sympathetic characters. To an extent, Mr. Radley is to the children, what Tom Robinson is to society, and this allows the readers to ascertain the fact that the prejudice and standing that society places on people, are not always correct or deserved. Boo Radley, and his lifestyle, is again judged in the quotation that is â€Å"the old house wa s the same, droopy and sick, but as we stared down the street we thought we saw an inside shutter move. Flick. A tiny, almost invisible movement, and the house was still†. (21) 4 Through the personification of the house as being sick, we can imagine the house as a character, that nobody wants to go near, much like Boo Radley. Prejudice is not only presented in the novel through the use of racism, and false accusations but also through the social hierarchy that the citizens of Maycomb, Alabama, are a part of. The Finch children, and their father Atticus, are at the top of the ladder with farmers and other towns people such as the Cunninghams, and at the lower end are the ‘white trash’ Ewells who are described to be a horrible family, but even below them are the African-American community of Maycomb. This hierarchy further emphasizes the inaccurate placement of the people of Maycomb. Lee’s quote â€Å"they were people, but they lived like animals†(36), describing the Ewell family, allows the reader to deduce that the black people were placed even under those who lived like animals, which further displays the mistreatment of African-American people. â€Å"Dont matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this houses yo company, and dont you let me catch you remarkin on their ways like you was so high and mighty! †(30). This quotation, said by Cal, the coloured housekeeper, to the Finch children, shows that often times the Finch children would remind others, or act as though they were top of the social hierarchy, by having a black lady say this is allows the reader to further infer that the message being presented in the book is that no matter what race you are, there is an opportunity for morality, and correct values. This is again presented in the scene in the book when Cal takes the Finch children to her ‘negro’ church, and both Jem and Scout learn that the tereotypes, and prejudice placed upon these people is entirely wrong. The theme of prejudice is shown through the tone and narration of the novel. By having the narrator as a young child in first person, we can view difficult realities in a naive and friendly way. The youthful and childlike tone in which the novel is written helps us to comprehend the idea that as children grow into adults there are qualities that are not only gai ned, but many qualities are eliminated. Because we read Scout’s, and occasionally Jem’s, point of view it allows the reader to realize that children are a lot more accepting of people than adults, such as Bob Ewell, and not only learn through being taught what is right and wrong, but by experiencing the good and evil in people for themselves. By being told about multiple families all experiencing different forms of prejudice we can deduce that by standing up for what you believe, you may be alienated from your peers, but by going along with your peers and simply allowing others beliefs to control everything it can create an atmosphere of prejudice. After all, a community’s morals are the sum of what its individuals believe. 5 Prejudice in ‘Jasper Jones’ Prejudice is a major theme in the novel ‘Jasper Jones’ by Craig Silvey. The main message is that nobody is who, or what, others expect them to be, and by providing prejudice and stereotypes about our main characters, the reader can infer that the characters are not what they first appear to be, and not what society thinks they are. This is shown through the fact that at first, our protagonist Charlie Bucktin realizes that Jasper Jones, the novels partial antagonist, is not what society deems him as, â€Å"a thief, a liar, a thug, a truant. He’s lazy and unreliable. Jasper Jones is the example of where poor aptitude and attitude will lead†(Silvey, 5). We first notice the prejudice against characters in the book in the very beginning when Jasper Jones knows straight away that he will be blamed for the murder of Laura Wishart. Not because he was the one that found her body, but rather because of his race, his background and his reputation in society. There is much irony placed on the theme of prejudice in this novel. Jasper experiences mass amounts of prejudice towards himself, yet he blames somebody else for the murder, for no other reason than for what he has heard about this man. This allows the reader to further understand racism, and its relationship with blame. Blame is a theme that is largely presented in the novel ‘Jasper Jones’, not only through the character Jasper Jones and his fear of being blamed for Laura Wisharts murder, but the concept of blame itself. Who is actually to blame, solely the person who perpetrated the crime, or are those that stand by and do not say anything to blame as well? The characters Jeffrey Lu and Jasper Jones present the theme of prejudice. Although Jasper Jones is not present for the majority of the story, his presence as a character is fundamental to the message of prejudice, and not blaming people just because of what society deems they are. The folks who watch Jasper play, who barrack for him like he was one of their own, are the same ones who might cut their eyes at him should he walk their way a few hours later. Once the game is over, he’s back to being shunned by the boys. †(60) This allows us to further see the immense hypocrisy and prejudice that is placed on these two boys for something so simple as the colour of their skin . The ‘cut their eyes’ metaphor is also important in describing the abhorrent way in which people would look at Jasper Jones behind his back. Charlie’s best friend, Jeffrey Lu, is a vietnamese immigrant. His family are ridiculed due to the fact that the story is set in the time of the Vietnam War, and Australians were being drafted to fight. Jeffrey Lu experiences prejudice from his peers at school, as they call him ‘cong’ referring to the Viet Cong soldiers. Although the boys receive contempt, and taunting, from the majority of the people who live in the village, throughout the 6 novel Charlie learns to idolize, and respect the two boys, especially Jasper. Charlie states â€Å" I trust him, I really do. Not because I have to. I think he’s probably the most honest person in this town, he has no reason to lie, no reputation to protect. †(42) This quotation shows again that the race or ethnicity to which you belong does not determine what kind of person you are. A symbol that represents Charlie coming to respect and trust Jasper, despite the prejudice views that are placed upon him, is the argument between Charlie and Jeffrey, who is better, Batman or Superman? Charlie describes Batman as being braver, and more of a role model because â€Å"he has the same vulnerabilities as the rest of us, so he has the same fears as us. That’s why he is the most courageous: because he can put those aside and fight on regardless. My point is this: the more you have to lose, the braver you are for standing up†. 54) He later goes on to talk about Jasper saying that â€Å"And I see it now, just how counterfeit his confidence is. It’s a noise, a distraction, hot air. It’s Batman’s cape†. (228) Silvey comparing the character of Jasper Jones to Batman further emphases how brave Jasper Jones is for putting up with such prejudice remarks. Through these quotations we can not only see Charlie in his childlike, naive tone, ta lking about superheroes, but because it is done in a complex way we can understand that he idolizes Jasper in the way that he idolizes Batman. Another way in which prejudice is represented in the novel is the suicide, initially suspected murder, of Laura Wishart and the fact that Jasper knows he will be blamed for it, and even still blames himself when they find out it was a suicide. He tells Charlie â€Å"It’s my fault, it’s my fault this happened†. (250) This is a prime example that after being told something so often, that may not be true, you eventually start to believe it. Throughout the book we see signs of the prejudice interfering with Jaspers mind, and eventually leading him to believe a lot of the statements himself. He doesn’t understand why the townspeople call him â€Å"half an animal with half a vote†and he is angry about the fact that â€Å"They never ask why. They never wonder why he would be stealin’. They reckon it’s just his nature†. (34) Bringing the reader again to the theory of prejudice being preconceived ideas of people based on their religion, and/or race. 7 Comparison between the two texts There are many similarities between the two novels ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and ‘Jasper Jones’. Prejudice being the main coinciding theme, as well as the fact that both books show signs of irony and hypocrisy, and both are written in the same narrative voice, and childlike tone. There are also many character crossovers in the texts, and ‘Jasper Jones’ even has mention of Harper Lee, and Atticus Finch from ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ which suggests the idea that Silvey is simply a product of Harper Lee, and that he took the ideas of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and adapted them to an Australian setting. Both texts are set in small country towns, and show the racism and prejudice that was a normality of the time period the books were set in. The storyline’s of both books also deal with the disconnect between law and justice, and come to the conclusion that no matter what the real truth is, people will believe what they want to, and what others pressure them to. This obviously is unjust and thus, deals with the fact that the law and justice are not always coherent with each other. The final similar theme in both novels is the co-existence of good and evil, and how people are not always the person they initially appear to be. The hypocrisy and irony in the books can be seen through the characters, Jasper Jones, Tom Robinson, Boo Radley, Mr. Wishart, and the Ewell family. Jasper Jones shows hypocrisy in that he is upset and angry with the fact that he is immediately blamed for Laura’s death without any evidence, yet he goes on to blame somebody else in the town under the same disproven circumstances. This again shows the theme of prejudice because in Jasper’s world prejudice is all he has ever know, this leads him to feel that it is just to blame somebody based on their reputation and people’s perception of them. The second irony comes in the fact that Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson are treated as bad people in society because of their race and past, yet they turn out to be innocent and kind at heart. Although Tom Robinson’s fate does not fair well, Mr. Radley eventually goes on to protect the Finch children and is no longer seen as the ghost of Maycomb. Likewise, Mad Jack Lionel in ‘Jasper Jones’ is seen as a phantom like character and is never seen by the children, they just make up and spread rumours about him. In ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ the children have an obsession with touching Boo Radley’s house, it becomes almost a game for them, which is similar to the way the children in ‘Jasper Jones’ like to attempt to steal peaches from Mad Jack Lionel’s yard if you pull it off, you gain some sort of respect from the rest of the children in the town. In a similar manner, Mr. Wishart in ‘Jasper Jones’ and the Ewell family in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ are seen as good people in the town just because they are white, Mr. Wishart even 8 ives in the posh part of the Australian town, and Bob Ewell is given the benefit of the doubt over Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson, yet it is revealed that beneath the surface they are both drunks, and bad people. Thus bringing us to the conclusion that prejudice is placed against people that are definitely not deserving of it. It also ties in with the theme of the co-existence of good and bad, and how peo ple with moral opposites can live together, this is further developed through the innocence of the protagonists, and how they learn to confront evil. In ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Scout deals with this confrontation by having Atticus tell her that people can have good and evil inside of them, yet one must focus on the good, whilst accepting and sympathizing with the evil, a quality that Charlie Bucktin in ‘Jasper Jones’ also has. One of the main comparisons that can be made, is the fact that Jasper Jones almost sees Charlie as his own Atticus Finch. Reference to this is made in the quotation â€Å"I wonder too if Jasper actually needs my help, if he came to my window looking for Atticus Finch†. 144) There is in fact quite a few similarities between Charlie Bucktin and Atticus Finch in the way that they are not afraid to stand up for what they believe, and who they wish to be allies with no matter what society deems is correct. Atticus believes that â€Å"you never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it†, ( Lee, 35) this quotation is not only a pivotal piece of advice in the development of Lee’s novel as a bildungsroman, but sparks Scouts growth throughout the novel as a whole. Similarly, Silvey writes in ‘Jasper Jones’ â€Å"Thats what you do right? When you’re reading? You’re seeing what it’s like for other people†(Silvey, 52) and this is one of the main reasons that Charlie is such an avid reader, he loves to understand what its like to be other people. Comparison is also made between Atticus Finch, and Mr. Bucktin Charlie’s father. Charlie suggest throughout the book that his father could have been a great lawyer, but that would mean he would have to stand up for something, and it is not until he stands up for An Lu, another Vietnamese immigrant, that Charlie finds him extremely brave. This is similar to the way the Finch children do not see their father as a brave man, until he fights a vicious dog. Craig Silvey makes this comparison more obvious in ‘Jasper Jones’ by having a â€Å"gnashing, and barking dog†(203) in the background when Mr. Bucktin stands up for their Vietnamese friends. These direct references to Lee’s novel in ‘Jasper Jones’ again depict the idea that Silvey’s book was simply a product of the themes and characters present in the classic novel that is Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird. 9 Conclusion To conclude, although their are a few other pressing themes in both works, prejudice and the concept of people not always being what society believes them to be are the main messages expressed by both authors. This is shown in two instances in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ the character Tom Robinson and his trial, being defended by a white man Atticus Finch, and Boo Radley and his eventual friendship and protection of the Finch children although they were once part of the hype that believed he was just a phantom who came out at night. In ‘Jasper Jones’ these ideas are presented through Jasper Jones and his belief that he would definitely be blamed for Laura Wishart’s death just because of his Aboriginal race, as well as Jeffrey Lu and his struggle to adapt to teenage life in Western Australia because of his Vietnamese ethnicity. Because both texts are written in first person narrative, through the childlike tone of a teenager, and a young child, living at the time, the complex ideas of racism, hypocrisy and prejudice are easily understood yet still extremely circuitous.
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