Saturday, February 29, 2020
Avocado Leaf Plasticity Essay Example for Free
Avocado Leaf Plasticity Essay INTRODUCTION: Phenotypic plasticity, or differing phenotypes from one genotype in different environmental conditions, is a way for sessile organisms to adapt to changing environmental conditions (Valladares et al., 2007). Plasticity was expected to be abundant, however, it did not occur as often in nature due to resource limitations and environmental stress (Valladares et al., 2007). An experiment by Matos tested the phenotypic plasticity to light availability in shade and sun leaves of coffee trees (Matos et al. , 2009). Their research indicated that â€Å"compared [to] sun leaves, shade leaves had a lower stomatal density, a thinner palisade mesophyll, a higher specific leaf area, and improved light capture†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Matos et al., 2009). The sun leaves were described as â€Å"generally thicker with an enhanced quantity of palisade mesophyll†(Matos et al., 2009). Our objective was the presence of phenotypic plasticity in avocado trees based on the differences in the morphology of shade and sun leaves. In our study, we asked whether there is a difference in surface area, length-to-width ratio, mass, specific leaf mass, and color between shade leaves and sun leaves in avocado trees. We hypothesized that there would be no significant differences in surface area, length-to-width ratio, mass, specific leaf mass, and color between shade leaves and sun leaves. METHODS: We collected our seventy samples of avocado tree (Persea americana) leaves, in equal amounts of sun and shade leaves, at an avocado tree grove located north of Building 3 and University Drive at Cal Poly Pomona on Thursday, October 24, 2013 at 9:00 am. They were randomly and interspersedly collected throughout the grove. We split the grove into five areas, split into five teams of two, and was assigned to one of the five areas. Each team picked a number for the trees in their region and a random number was selected from a random number table to select a tree corresponding to that number. A random number table was used to pick the corresponding quadrant, branch, and leaf. This process was done twice on each tree in the understory for shade leaves, and in the canopy for sun leaves. Each leaf was measured for its surface area, length-to-width ratio, mass, specific leaf mass, and color. Surface area was measured by a leaf area meter in squared centimeters. Length-to-width ratio was measured by measuring the length (vertically along the bridge of the leaf) and the width (horizontally on the widest part of the leaf) with a ruler in centimeters, and dividing the length by the width. Mass was calculated by a balance in grams. Specific leaf mass (thickness) was measured by dividing the mass by its surface area in grams per squared centimeter. Color was measured by having three reference leaves provided by the instructor, indicating light (L), medium (M), and dark (D) leaves and compared our collected leaves. After recording all of the data, these data were then input into a statistical program called StatCat to determine normality through a normality test. The data for surface area, length-to-width ratio, mass, and specific leaf mass for sun and shade leaves were both normal, therefore, we chose a paired sample t-test for all of them. A normality test was not needed for color for sun and shade leaves due to it being a nominal scale data. The number of light, medium, and dark shade leaves were tallied up according to color, and the same was done for the sun leaves. A contingency table was made in Excel, and used in StatCat to test our hypothesis. The paired sample t-tests were also done through StatCat, which then gave us the appropriate results to test our hypotheses. RESULTS: Shade leaves had a significantly larger surface area than sun leaves (t = -3.7313, P = 0.00069; Table 1). Shade leaves had a significantly larger length-to-width ratio than sun leaves (t = -2.7162, P = 0.01031). Shade leaves had no significant difference in mass than sun leaves (t = -1.4871, P = 0.1462). Shade leaves had a significantly smaller specific leaf mass than sun leaves (t = 5.82093, P = 1.5Ãâ€"10-6). Shade leaves were significantly darker than sun leaves (X2 = 18.417, P = 0.0001). Avocado Leaf Plasticity. (2018, Oct 27).
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Personal Statement for Transfer to UC Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
For Transfer to UC - Personal Statement Example As a result of this inclination, I worked at a trade fair and realized the relevance of accounting practices and processes at an even greater level. The global financial recession magnified my interest in accounting as I began reading and researching about the probable causes of the financial downturn. The research activities revealed the essence of accounting in terms of accounts and amounts, alongside the level of responsibility that resides on the shoulders of the accountants. Upon realizing the role of accounting in the progress and development of any establishment, I had made the decision of pursuing my career in the field of accounting. I made this decision after starting my college in China which is the right time to choose a professional direction. After reading about different accounting practices and standards, I have been able to comprehend the relevance of ethics in accounting. Ethics bear relevance in the field of accounting, just as the other fields of medicine, compute r technology etc. The compliance to ethical conduct is important in accounting since people who opt for availing the accounting services tend to trust the accounting professional for his commendable level of competence, as well as the adoption of ethical processes. Integrity and fairness are very important words in the field of accounting. ... It would not be wrong to consider accounting as one of the pillars of any organization in the modern world since the expansion, revenue generation, downsizing etc are all structured on the basis of accounting processes. It is vital for all organizations to maintain competent accounting professionals in the accounting departments to ensure smooth functioning and success. This profession can never lose its appeal and significance for businesses. I would be highly obliged if you allow me to transfer my credits to your esteemed institution so I can fulfill my dream of becoming an accounting professional. I shall try to contribute my share in the progression of the field of accounting and earn even a greater name for your reputable institution. Part 2 Life is a challenge and only those succeed who know how to excel under pressure. I consider myself among such people who strive for the achievement of their goals and objectives and find every new problem as a challenge in life. I entered th e land of opportunities, known as USA, when I was 20 years old. I did not have any accompanying soul with me and was faced with the mission of facing life on my own. The exit from a protected roof of my childhood residence made me realize the worth of life and money, which are usually taken for granted by youngsters. The everlasting advice that has stuck with me ever since my childhood was given by my parents who said that sustained success can only be achieved if it is supported by education and knowledge. It is due to this moral value that I never stopped to study, even if it met working endlessly to acquire this blessing. My first year in US was spent working and saving money for my education expenses since I found the tuition fees and other costs to be very high for my status. With the
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The Psychology of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
The Psychology of Marketing - Essay Example Value possession can be judged on the ground of materialism and personal trait. Customers prefer value possessions are not always status seeker because sometimes they purchase valuable product to show self image to external world. Researchers have pointed out that customers do valued material possession to show adjusted and refined self image (perceived self image of customer which might differ from real self assessment of the person). Sometimes customer purchase valued product in order to imitate other person’s purchasing habit. Many of the time it has been observed that purchasing valued item increases confidence level among customers. Opinion leaders also plays significant role to motivate customers to purchase valuable product. General trend shows that materialists have a tendency to purchase valuable item in bulk volume by spending huge amount of money on acquiring new items. These customers are lucrative target for marketers. Marketers decide unique business strategy to cater demand of high value customers. Why Valued? Value of a product is dependent on various factors such as brand name attached with the item, usability, social image and many others. Value of product can be analyzed in the following manner. Possession might help us to reflect personality we want to show cast to external world. ... Purchasing a particular might help us to achieve highly respected social group membership. Purchasing product and then consuming it help us to evaluate our self image in a right manner. The process can be classified as symbol for us to show our connection with significant portion of society. Many customers believe purchasing a valuable item associated with strong brand image might help them to achieve ideal self image and ideal social self image. Psychographics of consumer behaviour is contributed by two variables. 1-Actulizers- customers belong to uppermost income group prefer to spend huge sum of money on in order to purchase premium priced products. They purchase high net worth products in order to show status and financial power. 2- Fulfilled- customers purchase high value product after gathering sufficient information about the product in order to show social status to other people (Young, and Pagoso, 2008, p. 116). Customers show various types of purchasing behaviour including impulsive and compulsive buying. In 1989, O’Guinn and Faber have argued that compulsive buying is a result of behavioural disorder and directly linked with attitude of consumers to purchase valuable products. In 2004, Roberts and Pirog in their research paper have suggested that compulsive buying is linked with satisfying personal goal rather than rather than fulfilling need. In compulsive buying purchase motive of customer is cantered on satisfying external need rather than satisfying internal needs. In 2002, Kacen and Lee have pointed out that in valued possession customers get enjoyment from item purchased and sometimes they become obsessed about the purchase (Fitzmaurice, 2008, pp.
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